Other Useful Software
Open-Source Ocean Acoustics on Github
The goal of OSOA is to supplement the open-source tradition in ocean acoustics on Github.
Method of Characteristics, 2D-MC: MATLAB program for Time dependent solution of the Euler and continuity equations with adiabatic condition in a waveguide with a homogeneous fluid layer overlying a rigid bottom. Sample output. Users guide. ZIP-file.
(Keiichi Ohkawa, Technical R&D Institute, Japan Ministry of Defense )
The Boundary Element Method in Acoustics Book: The whole book and some of the fortran code are available online.
(Stephen M Kirkup, University Central Lancashire)
GeoAcoustic_TDFD: Time domain finite difference modeling in a numerical scattering chamber - acoustic, elastic and anelastic wave propagation and scattering in 2-D fluid/solid media with volume heterogeneity and surface/interface roughness. Users guide , Plotting users guide . Source in Fortran, plotting GUI in matlab and examples download.
(Ralph Stephen and Tom Bolmer, Marine Seismology and Geoacoustics Group, WHOI)
FENL: Solution of the Helmholtz equation in an axially symmetric waveguide consisting of fluid layers overlying a rigid bottom, using the finite element technique. The above approach is used to simulate the propagation of sound waves due to a harmonic point source placed in the waveguide. FENL Introduction
(Nikolaos Kampanis, FORTH, Greece ).
SAGA Seismo-Acoustic inversion using Genetic Algorithms: acoustic models are built-in for an automated inversion algorithm. (source and user guide)
(Peter Gerstoft, Marine Physical Laboratory, Scripps Institution of Oceanography )
Rotated: Geoacoustic inversion using a rotated coordinate system. Users guide. (2002)
(Laurie T. Fialkowski, Joseph F. Lingevitch and John S. Perkins, NRL).
Matched-field processing bibliography: in BibTeX.
(Christoph Mecklenbrauker)
Scatt_strength (zip file): Matlab routines to calculate the incoherent component of the bistatic scattering strength of the ocean surface (air-sea interface + bubble clouds) and bottom interface. readme (2003)
(Roger Gauss, NRL).
Boundary Element Models (BEM)
Choosing a BEM model. Jech, J. Michael, John K. Horne, Dezhang Chu, David A. Demer, David TI Francis, Natalia Gorska, Benjamin Jones et al. "Comparisons among ten models of acoustic backscattering used in aquatic ecosystem research." The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 138, no. 6 (2015): 3742-3764.
Coupled BEM:
Ref.: Gonzalez, J. D., Lavia, E. F., Blanc, S., Maas, M., & Madirolas, A. (2020). Boundary element method to analyze acoustic scattering from a coupled swimbladder-fish body configuration. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 486, 115609.
Ref.: T. Betcke & M. W. Scroggs. Bempp-cl: A fast Python based just-in-time compiling boundary element library, Journal of Open Source Software 6(59) (2021) 2879. doi.org/10.21105/joss.02879
Distorted Wave Born Approximation Implementations:
ZooScatR Circular Shape elements:
Ref.: Gastauer, S., Chu, D., & Cox, M. J. (2019). ZooScatR—An R package for modelling the scattering properties of weak scattering targets using the distorted wave Born approximation. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 145(1), EL102-EL108.
Stochastic Phase Compensated (S)DWBA:
CCAMLR model for Antarctic krill (Matlab): https://github.com/ccamlr/SDWBA_TS/tree/master/SDWBApackage
Julia implementation: https://github.com/ElOceanografo/SDWBA.jl
Ref.: Conti, S. G., & Demer, D. A. (2006). Improved parameterization of the SDWBA for estimating krill target strength. ICES Journal of Marine Science, 63(5), 928-935.
3D Phase Tracking (PT)DWBA:
Ref.: Jones, B. A., Lavery, A. C., & Stanton, T. K. (2009). Use of the distorted wave Born approximation to predict scattering by inhomogeneous objects: Application to squid. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 125(1), 73-88.
3D Tetrahedron DWBA
Kirchhoff Ray Mode Model:
Ref.: Clay, C. S., & Horne, J. K. (1994). Acoustic models of fish: the Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua). The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 96(3), 1661-1668.
NPAL: The North Pacific Acoustic Laboratory (NPAL) project is a multi-institutional program aimed at understanding the behavior of sound transmissions in the ocean over long distances.
Wave (zip file): A code for calculating the internal wave eigen-frequencies and modes; Displacement and sound speed realizations. Manual (2000)
(Richard Evans).
CAFI: Computation of Acoustic Fluctuations from Internal waves: This code calculates statistical effects of internal waves: both their effects within the geometrical optics approximation, and their diffractive effects. These internal-wave calculations are done by means of corrections to deterministic ray theory derived from path-integral techniques. Manual.
Code is written by Stan Flatte and Galina Rovner with the current update from Rex Andrew (2012) ( Rex Andrew).
Demo (zip file): Demonstration codes of PE, normal mode, wavenumber integration, and ray models in Matlab with write-up on formulation. Mike Porter, HLS Research .
Errata (2021) and Problem Sets for Computational Ocean Acoustics (Jensen, Kuperman, Porter, and Schmidt).
Worldwide Sound Speed, Temperature, Salinity, and Buoyancy from the 2001 World Ocean Atlas in matlab format, including a data file for sound speed (and T, S, N) anywhere on the globe. (Brian Dushaw)
Sea-Mat Several matlab toolboxes for oceanographic analysis and modeling.
Thermodynamic Equation of Seawater Toolbox
The Gibbs-SeaWater (GSW) Oceanographic Toolbox contains the TEOS-10 subroutines for evaluating the thermodynamic properties of pure water and seawater. It has almost 100 functions, such as density, entropy, enthalpy, Conservative Temperature, buoyancy frequency, and various geostrophic streamfunctions. (From Seawater Toolbox Matlab and Python, 2014)
M_Map: M_Map is a set of mapping tools written for Matlab (it also works under Octave).
(Rich Pawlowicz, UVIC)
M_Map includes:
- Routines to project data in 19 different projections (and determine inverse mappings), using spherical and ellipsoidal earth-models.
- A grid generation routine to make nice axes with limits either in lat/long terms or in planar X/Y terms.
- A coastline database (with 1/4 degree resolution).
- A global elevation database (1 degree resolution).
- Hooks into freely available high-resolution coastline and bathymetry databases.
- Other useful stuff.
Google Earth Toolbox: Github repository for Matlab routines that interface with Google Earth.
Center for Wave Phenomena Software Library. The popular Seismic Unix program can be found here. Seismic Unix is used for analysis of seismic exploration software.
QGIS free and open source geographic Information system.
SegyMAT is a set of m-files for reading and writing SEG-Y files for Matlab and Octave
Underwater Acoustic Simulation tools from Delft University of Technology.
- AGORA Airgun Array Signature Matlab model
H. Ozkan Sertlek, University of Leiden, The Netherlands