2019 – Global Shipping Noise
Shipping noise is an important part of the ocean 'environment', and presents interesting modeling problems.
The upper figure shows shipping-noise source-level densities at 200 Hz. The shipping lanes are clearly visible. The colors represent dB re: 1 microPa2 /Hz @ 1m/m2. These source level maps can then be convolved with the propagation characteristics of the ocean channel to show the resulting 'illumination' or ensonification of the ocean. The level is displayed as a Noise Spectral Density with a scale in dB referenced to 1 microPascal ^2/Hz. (Also available as a KMZ file.)
Caution: these are preliminary (DRAFT) results presented to illustrate the process. The source level is derived from shipping data provided by Carrie Kappel/NCEAS.
(This page highlights current research projects in ocean acoustics. Contributions welcome.)