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Acoustical Society of America acoustics job postings

NRL Opportunity
The Naval Research Laboratory in DC is looking for one or multiple post-doctoral researchers
in the fields of oceanography, experimental ocean acoustics, signal processing, physics, or
machine learning. Open to U.S. citizens and permanent residents. (Current)

CMRE: Senior Scientist - Ocean Modelling and Data Assimilation - 240645
This is a position within the Centre for Maritime Research and Experimentation (CMRE),
an organization of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO).
(Current 5/2024)


Current open positions that often include acoustics

Current positions at WHOI
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Woods Hole, MA, USA (Current)

Current positions at SIO 
Scripps Institution of Oceanography
San Diego CA, USA (Current)

NATO Centre for Maritime Research and Experimentation
 La Spezia, ITALY (Current)


Individual Listings

Underwater acoustics positions listed on LinkedIn. (Current)

Tenure Track Assistant, Associate, and Senior Scientist - Ocean Acoustics
Dept. of Applied Ocean Physics and Engineering
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Woods Hole, MA, USA (listed 2021)

Tenure Track Assistant, Associate, and Senior Scientist - Marine Robotics/Machine Learning
Dept. of Applied Ocean Physics and Engineering
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Woods Hole, MA, USA (listed 2021)

Assistant Professor (Electrical and Computer Engineering)
Portland State University
Portland, OR, USA (listed 2020)

Faculty Positions in acoustics (search for 'acoustics' in the link)
The Pennsylvania State University
University Park, PA, USA (listed 2020)

Faculty Positions in underwater acoustics (type 'acoustics' in the search bar)
University of Rhode Island
Narragansett, RI, USA (listed 2020)



Send your acoustics-related job listing/link to OALIB for posting here.