Figure: Schematic of the TWERSKY problem.
The previous Pekeris problem is modified by the inclusion of surface
scatter. The rough surface involves a density of 0.092 bosses per km
of width and height
. Note that the KRAKEN
result differs
from the KRAKENC
results. This reflects the error in
using a perturbation theory which however is probably negligible
considering the approximations of the scatter model.
'Pekeris problem with Twersky ice scatter' 10.0 1 'NSF' 0.092 8.2 5.1 500 0.0 5000.0 0.0 1500.0 / 5000.0 1500.0 / 'A' 0.0 5000.0 2000.0 0.0 2.0 0.0 0.0 1400.0 2000.0 1000.0 ! RMAX (km) 1 500.0 / ! NSD SD(1:NSD) 1 2500.0 / ! NRD RD(1:NRD)
KRAKEN- Pekeris problem with Twersky ice scatter Frequency = 10.00 NMEDIA = 1 N2-LINEAR approximation to SSP Attenuation units: dB/mkHz Twersky SOFT BOSS scatter model Twersky ice model parameters: Bumden = 0.920000E-01 Eta = 8.20 Xi = 5.10 Z ALPHAR BETAR RHO ALPHAI BETAI ( Number of pts = 500 RMS roughness = 0.000E+00 ) 0.00 1500.00 0.00 1.00 0.0000 0.0000 5000.00 1500.00 0.00 1.00 0.0000 0.0000 ( RMS roughness = 0.000E+00 ) ACOUSTO-ELASTIC half-space 5000.00 2000.00 0.00 2.00 0.0000 0.0000 CLOW = 1400.0 CHIGH = 2000.0 RMAX = 1000.000000000000 Number of sources = 1 500.0000 Number of receivers = 1 2500.000 Mesh multiplier CPU seconds 1 8.08 2 6.19 I K ALPHA PHASE SPEED 1 0.4188333967E-01 -0.7143639068E-09 1500.163396 2 0.4186964892E-01 -0.2858563396E-08 1500.653927 3 0.4184681891E-01 -0.6435953313E-08 1501.472626 4 0.4181483151E-01 -0.1145206277E-07 1502.621218 5 0.4177366141E-01 -0.1791463612E-07 1504.102129 6 0.4172327607E-01 -0.2583358102E-07 1505.918494 7 0.4166363582E-01 -0.3522095285E-07 1508.074172 8 0.4159469382E-01 -0.4609093903E-07 1510.573761 9 0.4151639611E-01 -0.5845985229E-07 1513.422622 10 0.4142868154E-01 -0.7234613786E-07 1516.626905 11 0.4133148173E-01 -0.8777040005E-07 1520.193577 12 0.4122472102E-01 -0.1047554344E-06 1524.130462 13 0.4110831629E-01 -0.1233263186E-06 1528.446279 14 0.4098217683E-01 -0.1435104786E-06 1533.150699 15 0.4084620412E-01 -0.1653378169E-06 1538.254396 16 0.4070029155E-01 -0.1888408516E-06 1543.769115 17 0.4054432412E-01 -0.2140548873E-06 1549.707744 18 0.4037817804E-01 -0.2410182110E-06 1556.084403 19 0.4020172036E-01 -0.2697723168E-06 1562.914535 20 0.4001480842E-01 -0.3003621806E-06 1570.215017 21 0.3981728933E-01 -0.3328365176E-06 1578.004282 22 0.3960899938E-01 -0.3672481421E-06 1586.302458 23 0.3938976329E-01 -0.4036543176E-06 1595.131522 24 0.3915939350E-01 -0.4421171667E-06 1604.515480 25 0.3891768932E-01 -0.4827041259E-06 1614.480566 26 0.3866443598E-01 -0.5254884517E-06 1625.055467 27 0.3839940360E-01 -0.5705497741E-06 1636.271587 28 0.3812234607E-01 -0.6179747460E-06 1648.163336 29 0.3783299981E-01 -0.6678576894E-06 1660.768466 30 0.3753108238E-01 -0.7203013712E-06 1674.128458 31 0.3721629100E-01 -0.7754178193E-06 1688.288956 32 0.3688830091E-01 -0.8333291792E-06 1703.300275 33 0.3654676364E-01 -0.8941686039E-06 1719.217978 34 0.3619130513E-01 -0.9580810818E-06 1736.103543 35 0.3582152384E-01 -0.1025224135E-05 1754.025132 36 0.3543698884E-01 -0.1095768032E-05 1773.058466 37 0.3503723827E-01 -0.1169895081E-05 1793.287833 38 0.3462177842E-01 -0.1247796785E-05 1814.807209 39 0.3419008460E-01 -0.1329666243E-05 1837.721486 40 0.3374160587E-01 -0.1415679057E-05 1862.147680 41 0.3327577965E-01 -0.1505943298E-05 1888.215805 42 0.3279207350E-01 -0.1600349816E-05 1916.068317 43 0.3229012280E-01 -0.1697989094E-05 1945.853643 44 0.3177042607E-01 -0.1793021126E-05 1977.683678
Figure: Transmission loss for the TWERSKY problem.