PLOTSSP produces plots of the sound speed profile. It requires as input an environmental file of exactly the same form used by KRAKEN . It ouputs a print file echoing the input data. The number of points used in plotting the sound speed profile is 200 per medium.
Files: Name Unit Description Input *.ENV 1 ENVironmental data *.PLP 3 PLot Parameters Output *.PRT 6 PRinT file --------------------------------------------------------- EXAMPLE AND DESCRIPTION OF PLP FILE: 1425.0 1525.0 25.0 10.0 ! CMIN CMAX CINC (m/s) CAXL (cm) 0.0 4000.0 1000.0 10.0 ! ZMIN ZMAX ZINC (m) ZAXL (cm) (1) - SOUND SPEED AXIS INFO Syntax: CMIN CMAX CINC CAXL Description: CMIN: Sound speed minimum (m/s). CMAX: Sound speed maximum (m/s). CINC: Sound speed interval for tick marks (m/s). CAXL: Sound speed axis length (cm ). (2) - DEPTH AXIS INFO Syntax: ZMIN ZMAX ZINC ZAXL Description: ZMIN: Depth minimum (m ). ZMAX: Depth maximum (m ). ZINC: Depth interval for tick marks (m ). ZAXL: Depth axis length (cm).
Figure: Sample output of PLOTSSP: the sound speed profile for the Arctic problem.