PLOTSLICE produces plots of coherent transmission loss versus range by extracting a particular slice from a shade file which is produced by any of several propagation models including FSTFLD, KRAKEN , SCOOTER and IFD. An additional input file '.PLP' contains plot parameters.
Files: Name Unit Description Input *.PLP 1 PLot Parameters Output *.PRT 6 PRinT file *.SHD 11-99 SHaDe file --------------------------------------------------------- EXAMPLE AND DESCRIPTION OF PLP FILE: 'R' ! OPT 'R/S' (scaling), 'L/D' (linear/dB) 3 ! NCURVES 500.0 2500.0 ! SD RD (m) 200.0 220.0 / ! RMIN RMAX RINC (km) RAXL (cm) 70.0 110.0 / ! TLMIN TLMAX TLINC (dB) TLAXL (cm) 0.0 ! DR3DB (m) (smoothing window) (1) - SCALING Syntax: OPTION Description: OPTION(1:1): Source type. 'R' No scaling applied. 'S' Field multiplied by sqrt(r). OPTION(2:2): Linear or dB. 'L' for linear scaling (useful for pulse plots). 'D' for plots in dB (for most other plots). (2) - NUMBER OF CURVES Syntax: NCURVES Description: NCURVES: Number of curves to plot. For each curve a shade file name should be passed in the parameter list. (3) - SOURCE/RECEIVER DEPTHS Syntax: SD RD Description: SD: Source depth (m). RD: Receiver depth (m). (4) - RANGE AXIS INFO Syntax: RMIN RMAX RINC RAXL Description: RMIN: Range minimum (km). RMAX: Range maximum (km). RINC: Range interval for tick marks (km). RAXL: Range axis length (cm). (5) - TRANSMISSION LOSS AXIS INFO Syntax: TLMIN TLMAX TLINC TLAXL Description: NCURVES: Number of curves. TLMIN: TL minimum (dB). TLMAX: TL maximum (dB). TLINC: TL interval for tick marks (dB). TLAXL: TL axis length (cm). (6) - SMOOTHING: Syntax: SIGMA Description: SIGMA: Smoothing window (m). A gaussian filter is applied with this window size. (7) - SHDFIL names