PLOTMODE produces plots of specified modes using a solid line for the real part and and dashed line for the imaginary part. It requires the usual KRAKEN output files containing the modes and an additional file containing a list of which modes to plot terminated by a zero.
Note that the modes are tabulated only at the source and receiver depths specified during the KRAKEN run. Thus, if you specify only one source and receiver depth in the KRAKEN run, the mode plots will be grossly undersampled.
Before plotting each mode the maximum absolute value of the (complex) eigenfunction is calculated, that is,
T = max ( abs( Z(z) )
where Z(z) denotes the eigenfunction and the maximum is calculated over the depth points in the plot window. The eigenfunctions are then scaled by this factor and plotted along with the value of T. As a result, purely real eigenfunctions will peak at 1 on the plot; complex eigenfunctions may have a peak in their real or imaginary parts which is less than 1.
Files: Name Unit Description Input *.PLP 5 PLot Parameters *.MOD 30 MODe file Output *.PRT 6 PRinT file --------------------------------------------------------- EXAMPLE AND DESCRIPTION OF PLP FILE: 'P' 0.0 5000.0 1000.0 15.0 ! ZMIN ZMAX ZINC ZAXL 1 2 3 4 0 (1) - COMPONENT Syntax: COMP Description: COMP: Selects which component of a mode is plotted. 'V' Vertical displacement 'H' Horizontal displacement 'T' Tangential stress 'N' Normal stress 'P' Pressure (gives same result as 'N') (2) - DEPTH AXIS INFO Syntax: ZMIN ZMAX ZINC ZAXL Description: ZMIN: Z minimum (m ). ZMAX: Z maximum (m ). ZINC: Z interval for tick marks (m ). ZAXL: Z axis length (cm).
Figure: Sample output of PLOTMODE: selected modes for the Arctic problem.