
TLray.jpg (77432

BELLHOP gaussian beam/finite element beam code
(M. Porter, Heat, Light, and Sound Research, Inc.)

Eigenray, Eigenray Acoustic Ray Tracing Code with report (2015)
(B. Dushaw, Applied Physics Laboratory, U. Washington)
Describes a Fortran ray model which follows closely the Bowlin ray code "Ray" (written in C) and drawing on earlier work with John Colosi. This version is optimized for long-range, deep-water calculations.

Ray, Eigenray Ray Tracing Code (1992)
(Jim Bowlin, Orig. WHOI)
A basic, easy to use, range-dependent 2D ray tracing code written in C.

HWT_3D_mm Huygens Wavefront Tracing in 3D for moving media (readme) (2013)
(Nikolay Zabotin, Oleg A. Godin, and Liudmila Ye. Zabotina, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration)

TRACEO Beam Tracing code [see also the SiPLAB site and manual]  (2015)
(O. Rodríguez and Emanuel Ey, Univ. Algarve, Portugal)

TV-APM: Time-Variable Acoustic Propagation Model (manual) (2012)
(A. J. Silva and O. Rodríguez, University of Algarve, Portugal)

USML: Under Sea Modeling Library with WaveQ3D beam tracing code for 3D (C++) (2015)
(S. Reilly, Univ. Rhode Island and AEgis Technologies Group)

WOSS: World Ocean Simulation System. A GUI for BELLHOP applied to underwater communications and networking
(F. Guerra, P. Casari, M. Zorzi, U. Padova, ITALIA).

Python Utilities and Codes

arlpy, a Python interface to BELLHOP (2018)
(Mandar Chitre, National University of Singapore)

Python Scripts for reading/writing input/output files
(Orlando Rodriguez, Univ. of Algarve)

PyAT : A fairly developed Python interface to the acoustics toolbox, essentially translated from the Matlab interface to Python with added code to facilitate the use.
(Hunter Akins, UCSD)

Python version (This is a very preliminary version done as a demo by an HLS summer student. It is not for production use.)

Matlab Utilities and Codes

Acoustic Channel Simulator (readme and info) (2014)
(P. Qarabaqi and M. Stojanovic, Northeastern University)

(see also http://millitsa.coe.neu.edu/?q=projects)
Matlab code that uses arrival time information from BELLHOP or a simplified multipath calculator for generating large-scale channel realizations.

VirTEX: Virtual Timeseries EXperiment code (contributions from J. Peterson, M. Porter, and M. Siderius, Orig. HLS Research) (2011)

Julia Utilities and Codes

pm_bellhop: A Julia interface to BELLHOP
( Mandar Chitre, National University of Singapore) (2020)

Contributions, suggestions, or questions on this section? Contact: OALIB