Normal Modes
KRAKEN normal mode program
Scripts for reading/writing input/output files
(Orlando Rodriguez, Univ.
of Algarve
arlpy, a Python
interface to BELLHOP. Some of these tools may be useful for
KRAKEN as well
Chitre, National University of Singapore)
PyAT : A fairly developed Python interface to the
Acoustics Toolbox,
essentially translated from the Matlab interface to Python with added code to facilitate
the use.
(Hunter Akins, UCSD)
KRAKEN: A version of KRAKEN with a MEX wrapper so that
it can easily be called from Matlab
(B. Dushaw APL ,
Univ. of Washington )
Krak_mat: A Matlab version of KRAKEN (readme)
aw: A Matlab code
for computing normal modes based on Chebyshev approximations
(M. Dzieciuch/Scripps
Institution of Oceanography)
NMPQ : Matlab code that uses the P-Q
description of the bottom reflection coefficient; these
represents slopes of the magnitude and phase of the reflection
coefficient. (readme)
(E. C. Shang and Z. D. Zhao, Institute
of Acoustics, Chinese Academy of Science )
Numerov Mode Code: A Matlab demo code using the Numerov
finite-difference scheme.
(B. Dushaw,
Applied Physics Laboratory, U. Washington)
rimLG: A
Legendre-Galerkin code
for calculating normal-modes in Matlab (readme)
(R. Evans)
NM-CT: A Chebyshev-Tau spectral
method for normal modes of underwater sound propagation with a layered marine
environment in Matlab and fortran
(Houwang Tu, National University of Defense
Technology, Changsha, China)
MultiLC: A Legendre collocation method
based on domain decomposition to calculate underwater sound propagation in a
horizontally stratified environment
in Matlab and fortran
(Houwang Tu, National University of Defense
Technology, Changsha, China)
MOATL MOdal Acoustic Transmission Loss program in fortran
( readme)
(F. Ingenito, S. Wolf, J. Miller/Naval Research Laboratory)
NLayer: Pedersen-Gordon underwater sound propagation-loss
program in fortran and Report
(Org. Naval Ocean Systems Center; PC
version M. Hall/Defence Science and Technology Organization,
Australia )
Couple: a coupled normal-mode code (fortran with
(R. Evans)