The FIELDS program uses the Green's functions calculated by SCOOTER or SPARC and produces a shade file that contains a sequence of snapshots of the acoustic field as a function of range and depth. Alternatively, if a single source/receiver combination is specified then FIELDS produces a plot directly of the Green's function and transmission loss.
Files: Name Unit Description Input *.FLP 1 FieLd Parameters *.GRN 20 GReen's function Output *.PRT 6 PRinT file *.SHD 25 SHaDe file --------------------------------------------------------- EXAMPLE AND DESCRIPTION OF FLP FILE: 'RDB' ! 'R/X (coord), Lin/DB, Pos/Neg/Both' 200.0 220.0 501 ! RMIN, RMAX, NR (1) - OPTIONS Syntax: OPT Description: OPT(1:1): Coordinates 'R' Cylindrical (R-Z) coordinates. 'X' Cartesian (X-Z) coordinates. OPT(2:2): Scale 'D' dB 'L' linear OPT(3:3): Spectrum 'P' Positive (recommended) 'N' Negative 'B' Both positive and negative The spectral integral should formally be done from all along the real k-axis, however the negative portion contributes significantly only in the near-field. Run-time is less if it is neglected. OPT(4:4): Interpolation type 'O' POlynomial (for broadband runs) 'A' PAde (for CW runs) (2) - RECEIVER RANGES Syntax: RMIN RMAX NR Description: RMIN: First receiver range (km) RD: Last receiver range (km) NR: Minimum number of receiver ranges The actual number of ranges used is increased slightly to satisfy FFT sampling requirements.