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SCOOTER is a finite element code for computing acoustic fields in range-independent environments. The method is based on direct computation of the spectral integral (reflectivity or FFP method). Pressure is approximated by piecewise-linear elements as are the material properties. (One exception is the density which is approximated by piecewise constant elements).

The SCOOTER package includes two modules:

        SCOOTER the main program

        FIELDS  Produces shade files or
                plots of the Green's function and transmission loss.

The input (.ENV) file is identical to that used by KRAKEN or KRAKENC.
The output is a Green's function file  (in place of the mode file
produced by KRAKEN ).

Note that SCOOTER includes the effect of density gradients within
media (KRAKEN and KRAKENC do not). Also, interfacial scatter is not
treated in SCOOTER. 


        Name           Unit         Description
        *.ENV            1       ENVironmental data
        *.BRC           10       Bottom   Refl. Coef.  (optl)
        *.TRC           11       Top      Refl. Coef.  (optl)
        *.IRC           12       Internal Refl. Coef.  (optl)
        *.PRT            6       PRinT file
        *.GRN           20       GReen's function



'Pekeris problem'
500  0.0  2
     0.0  1500.0 /
  5000.0  1500.0 /
'A'  0.0
  5000.0  2000.0  0.0  2.0 /
1400.0  2000.0
500.0                    ! RMAX (km)
1 500.0 /                ! NSD  SD(1:NSD)
1 2500.0 /               ! NRD  RD(1:NRD)

RMAX is the maximum range for a receiver. It translates directly into the number of k-space points that will be used in the spectral integral. CPU time is proportional to RMAX so it shouldn't be any larger than necessary.

Note that both source and receiver must lie within the finite element domain. That is, the capability for placing source or receiver in the homogeneous half-space has not been implemented.

CPU time is roughly independent of the number of receivers but increases linearly with the number of sources. (However, the first source requires about 3 times as much CPU time as subsequent sources, since an LU decomposition is required only for the first source.)

Shade files or plots of transmission loss versus range are obtained by running FIELDS which uses the '.GRN' file as input.

Michael B. Porter
Tue Oct 28 13:27:38 PST 1997