PLOTTRI takes an input file '.FLP' in the same format that FIELD3D uses, and produces a plot showing the layout of triangular patches which the user has specified.
Files: Name Unit Description Input *.PLP 1 PLot Parameters *.FLP 20 FieLd Parameters Output *.PRT 6 PRinT file --------------------------------------------------------- EXAMPLE AND DESCRIPTION OF PLP FILE: -200.0 100.0 0.0 10.0 / ! XMIN XMAX XINC (km) XAXL (cm) -100.0 200.0 0.0 10.0 / ! YMIN YMAX YINC (km) YAXL (cm) (1) - X-AXIS INFO Syntax: XMIN XMAX XINC XAXL Description: YMIN: The minimum Y-value (km). YMIN: The maximum Y-value (km). YINC: Y-interval for tick marks (km). YAXL: Y-axis length (cm). (2) - Y-AXIS INFO Syntax: YMIN YMAX YINC YAXL Description: YMIN: The minimum Y-value (km). YMIN: The maximum Y-value (km). YINC: Y-interval for tick marks (km). YAXL: Y-axis length (cm).
Figure: Sample output of PLOTTRI: triangulation used for a 3D
Mediterranean scenario.