Errata for 2nd Edition of
Computational Ocean Acoustics
by Jensen, Kuperman,
Porter, and Schmidt
Computational Ocean Acoustics 2nd Edition Errata
page 47, Eq. 1.69
The phase factor in the numerator should be exp( i * phi_2 ), which is logical since transmission is
associated with a single passage through the layer, whereas reflection has a
double passage and hence phase factor exp( 2 * i * phi_2 ). (The formula was correct in the first edition)
Figure 2.12
Shows |R|^2 not |R|. This problem might occur in some of the other
plots. Fig. 2.10 has the same issue.<\p>
Figure 2.31
The caption says the plot is for an ideal waveguide.
It is actually for a Pekeris waveguide with a bottom
speed of 1800 m/s, bottom loss of .1 dB/wavelength, and density of 1.8 g/cm^3
Figure 3.8
The figure title indicates the TL was done at a
frequency of 50 Hz. The correct frequency is 600 Hz.
Eq. (8.53 )
Should have dz^2 on the left not dz
The derivative should be a partial derivative.
Eq. (8.54) is missing “ i ” in e ^( k v t )
Eqs . 8.73, 8.76, 8.80, and Eq.8.84