Sound and Marine Mammals



Effects of Sound on the Marine Environment (ESME)
ESME is an ONR Research Program focused on producing a model of animal response to the sound fields produced by human activities.

3MB (Marine Mammal Motion and Behavior) Software Package
( Dorian Houser , National Marine Mammal Foundation, San Diego, USA)

AGORA (Airgun Array Signature Model in a zip file)
( H. Ozkan Sertlek, University of Leiden, The Netherlands

Southern California Bight Model Site



"Whale Songs"

Recording of humpback whales
(Scott Murray, Center for Neuroscience, UC Davis, Davis CA, USA)

Summary of software available for handling acoustic data (spectrograms, mixers, etc.)



For Meetings, see International Bioacoustics Council (IBAC) Calender


Related sites

(focusing on the acoustics or facts about whale species and primarily non-commercial)


Contributions or questions on this section?
Contact: OALIB