PLOTRAY produces plots of the rays generated by BELLHOP and contained in a file 'P1'.RAY.
Files: Name Unit Description Input *.PLP 1 PLot Parameters *.RAY 9 RAY file --------------------------------------------------------- EXAMPLE AND DESCRIPTION OF PLP FILE: 0.0 2500.0 500.0 5.0/ ! ZMIN ZMAX ZINC (m) ZAXL (cm) 0.0 75.0 25.0 10.0/ ! RMIN RMAX RINC (km) RAXL (cm) 'RED' 'GREEN' 'YELLOW' 'YELLOW' 'DASH' 'DOT' 'SOLID' 'SOLID' (1) - DEPTH AXIS INFO Syntax: ZMIN ZMAX ZINC ZAXL Description: ZMIN: Depth minimum (m/s). ZMAX: Depth maximum (m/s). ZINC: Depth interval for tick marks (m/s). ZAXL: Depth axis length (cm ). (2) - RANGE AXIS INFO Syntax: RMIN RMAX RINC RAXL Description: RMIN: Range minimum (km). RMAX: Range maximum (km). RINC: Range interval for tick marks (km). RAXL: Range axis length (cm). (3) - RAY COLORS Syntax: COLR COLS COLB COLSB Description: COLR: Color for paths which are purely Refracted. COLS: Color for paths which strike the Surface only. COLB: Color for paths which strike the Bottom only. COLSB: Color for paths which strike both Surface and Bottom. Choose from 'BLACK', 'WHITE', 'RED', 'GREEN', 'CYAN', 'MAGENTA', 'YELLOW'. (default is 'BLACK' for all rays) (4) - RAY PATTERNS Syntax: PATR PATS PATB PATSB Description: PATR: Pattern for paths which are purely Refracted. PATS: Pattern for paths which strike the Surface only. PATB: Pattern for paths which strike the Bottom only. PATSB: Pattern for paths which strike both Surface and Bottom. Choose from 'SOLID', 'DASH', 'DOT'. (default is 'SOLID' for all rays)
Figure: Sample output of PLOTRAY: ray trace for the Munk profile